
Guess what! There’s nothing magical about it.

Hypnosis is a treatment method approved by the American Psychological Association (APA), and it is based on and uses a mental process which occurs in us naturally every day. It’s really no big deal!

Have you ever listened to a song you love and got caught up in the feeling of it?

Can you recall having been driving on the freeway and felt as though you had lost track of time?

Have you ever listened to a good storyteller and found yourself getting caught up in all the details?

Maybe you’ve found yourself getting wrapped up in a good book?

​These are all informal ways we can get into a trance. Hypnosis is just one way of utilizing an everyday occurrence to your own advantage.

How is hypnosis used in therapy?

Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool used to help you get in a state of mind that enables you to change more effectively.

We are just tapping into that powerful part of your mind that appears to be running the show behind the scenes. Think of it like an old school radio where you fine tune the dial to the right frequency and lock onto the music you’re looking for when you find it.

Your mind has different frequencies or stations, and hypnosis helps us tap into the powerful ones. We place the music you want playing, whether it’s more helpful thought patterns, empowering beliefs and strong discriminating thinking skills, or simply letting go of the emotional pain you’ve been hanging onto.

When you’re fully engaged in the process, we can collaborate and use clinical hypnosis to address your mood, sleep, anxiety, pain, bad habits, impulse control, motivation, relationships, athletic skill refinement, goal setting…

Although individual client experiences vary, they are all aspects of life that can be improved through clinical hypnosis. 

Think of someone who is afraid of all dogs. When they see a dog, they focus intently on all the ways the dog could harm them. They play out a nightmare in their mind in a split second… and it’s almost as if they actually have the experience. It’s awful and feels real. This is a form of self-hypnosis. Why not use that same power to your own advantage?

Chances are… clinical hypnosis can help YOU!

Here is a look at the general steps we’ll take when you undergo clinical hypnosis:

Step 1 – Identify targets or areas you want to address (general to specific… e.g., depression and unhealthy thought patterns).

Step 2 – Orientation to guided imagery procedure: Address concerns; explain the process and what to expect; begin relaxation and guided imagery.

Step 3 – Introduce intervention(s) during hypnosis: This can be facilitated in various ways depending on the context of your situation/challenge you are trying to overcome.

Step 4 – Closure and reorientation: You typically are provided with a recorded track of the session and given an assignment at some point in the process.

Some myths and truths about clinical hypnosis…

Let me get a few myths about hypnosis out of the way…

It’s not a way of controlling people.

You won’t lose control or get “stuck” in hypnosis.

You’re not just a passive participant.

It’s not a way to discover past or “lost” memories.

Being hypnotized has nothing to do with being “weak-minded”; powerful people can be hypnotized.

Here are some things you’ll want to know about hypnosis, though…

Hypnosis, used correctly, empowers people.

Hypnosis helps get you “unstuck” from your old patterns of doing things.

I use a collaborative approach – that is, we work together during hypnosis.

Hypnosis increases the ability to focus.

Strong-willed people can utilize hypnosis very well​!

I know what you’re thinking…

… why doesn’t everyone use hypnosis or hypnotherapy?

I think the previously mentioned myths contribute to that. But now that you’re informed and more than curious, the opportunity really is yours to test it out. You’ve already been hypnotized different times in your life.

Now you can use hypnosis to your advantage. Now you can set an appointment to harness the powerful part of your mind.

Now you can unleash your desire to live the life you have always wanted. Now you can experience life differently. Call… now: (801) 472-8442. Set an appointment… now.