Young Adults

Everyone’s asking, “So, what’s next for you?”

When I graduated from high school, there were some things I was totally sure about. I knew I was going to college, and I knew I was going to serve a mission. Beyond that… totally clueless.

There’s a lot you’re sure about… but so much that you just don’t know!

People are asking your next move. College? Work? Marriage?

It’s normal to have a lot of questions yourself… to not be sure about where you’re going next.

Issues common at this time of life…

Depression… sometimes it feels like it’s a bit contagious. Perhaps in some ways it is.

Think about it, you weren’t born depressed, most likely. But as you’ve grown on a subconscious level, you’ve watched others handle or not handle problems and challenges.

You’ve been exposed to a lot of information through shows, memes, school, and other media about how to handle life. You’ve absorbed more information than you realize, and what you believe about yourself is one of the most important things that will affect the way you feel about yourself. If that needs adjusting, let’s work on that.

Anxiety… it comes in many forms; sometimes it looks like anger. Do you feel upset often? More than you’d like, I suppose. Imagine having more control over that.

Imagine being at the control panel of your emotions and being able to turn the knob down just a bit, or maybe a bunch. We can work on that. You’re not broken, just bruised.

Relationship issues… family, partners, friends, or lack thereof. Like many other issues, what you believe about you matters incredibly. It affects who you interact with and how you interact with them.

Sometimes, there is also a need to develop more compassion for others. I can’t tell you how much freedom and power that provides as you try to connect with others. It’s an interesting concept, but I think I can help.

Transition to college… do you have any idea what you want to be when you grow up? How many times were you asked this as a young kid? Now it’s ‘go time,’ isn’t it?

Some people look around, and it feels like everyone else has it figured out. How does one make such an important decision? I can help you clarify what you want. It’s not all about passion, by the way.

Adjustment after the mission… around here, this is where life seems to begin for a lot of people. Now what? So many questions to answer. You probably already have them. It’s my job to help you realize it and utilize them.

Career choices… sometimes, there is a difference between your job, your career, and your life’s work. You don’t have to figure it out all at once, but picking a major might help, right? All the advice you get is a bit biased, and it’s hard to know where to turn.

Maybe you were like me and didn’t care as much about a career but are more interested in your life’s work, like being a dad in my case.

The career matters a lot, but many people fumble through this process. One of the important things is remembering to be cautious and flexible with expectations. It’s an important decision, and I can help you flesh it out.

Making your next move…

Family, friends, and others all weigh-in on your decisions – either by telling you what to do or influencing you in other ways.

I once knew a girl who had a scholarship at a university. She was the only one in her family not smoking weed, including her parents. Then she started dating a guy who smoked, and she started, too. Five years later, she lost the scholarship and dropped out of every semester she started, because she forgot how to decide for herself and lost touch with what was important to her.

Making your next move is pretty important. How will you decide what to do next? Think about how you have made decisions in the past. How has that turned out for you?

Is it time to make a change or at least be more aware of how you decide what is most important to you? Talking to a counselor like me is a worthwhile investment, not just with the important decisions that are right in front of you, but for your own skill development.

I can help you get what you really want.

I’m not going to tell you what to do with your life… I’m no guru. And this will take effort on your part.

But I know what conversations can help you decide. I can help you manage others’ expectations of you and help you see what you really want. I will give you some things to explore that will get you closer to the person you’re destined to become.

One of those conversations looks like this: We talk about something that is important to you – this could be anything like your sense of purpose and personal identity, establishing a routine, stronger emotional connections, and prioritizing.

Then we uncover the layers – what is so important to you about that particular thing. It’s a worthwhile exercise and typically ends up with you feeling confident and committed about what to do next.

The “how” comes after establishing a solid “what.” Sometimes the “how” just comes naturally. Not only that, but the pressure of others’ expectations take a back seat to your own. After that, you have a good start.

This is classic personal development to get you on track. To see clearly and know the thing you want most is available, you just have to be clear about what that is. The more specific we get, the more likely you reach what you want. Just wanting to be happier is too general. We will break that down to more specific details.

It’s time to dig a little.

If you’re a little passive, let me help you assert yourself.

You and this life are totally worth it… beyond your comprehension.

I’m here to help. I’m here to listen. I’m here to help you sort through things. You are totally worth making an appointment for this. If you know deep down there’s more you can do to help yourself, let’s get after it.

If you’re ready to take charge and move toward your purpose, give me a call; set an appointment: (801) 472-8442.